Brexton has been sent off to Vitoria, Brazil for his LDS mission.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday September 1st, 2014

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TALON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ¨YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE SO OLD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you get my letter yet? I hope so! If not it should be getting there soon. Sounds like your going to have an amazing birthday. Heard they have a new TMNT movie now, did you go see it? Shoulds be tons of fun. I Hope  you have a wonderful birthday and that you have an amazing year.
As for things i've done this week......I honestly cant remember. The weeks are starting to pass by so fast and I'm starting to loose tract. Things are going, we were able to have a lady go to church this week who has trouble leaving her house. SHe has parkinsons and its causing her a ton of pain but we have been helping her a lot and visiting her almost every day. She is the mom of a member of the ward and the Lord has prepared her so completely to accept the gospel. We originally were going to the house to teach one of her children but then the spirit called us to go visit her. When we got there she was asking all of the key questions. WHy are there so many different churches, where do we come from, how do I know which church is right. So yeah we about died the moment we got there and started teaching her about the restoration on the spot. She had the book of mormon and read about baptism the first night and wants to be baptized, just the fact she has a hard time going to church gives her some fear of not staying active. But she was completely prepared.
I guess another lesson I've learned is about not being prideful and instead being humble and learning to control yourself. SO yesterday Ana Paula, our recent convert didnt go to church. So of course we were dissapointed and so when we went to visit her yesterday in the afternoon, I let it show that we were dissapoint and sad and right  when we were leaving i felt that maybe we had gone to far. SO we made it to the end of the the street and the SPirit said go back and apologize and then take her to visit this person. So we then had to swallow our pride and go back, apologize and then ask her to go and visit someone with us.........pride is tough. But the visit we had with her was probably one of the best member lessons that we have had yet. We visited a less active incomplete family and she bore a powerful testimony about the holy Ghost and recieving responses to prayers. So the man of the family isnt a member and his wife is.. But at the end he was the one who wanted to pray and his prayer was one as if he had been a member of the bishopric for many years. Truely was a good experience.
Other than that I've been studying faith. Alot. I've given 3 of the last 4 district meeting trainings about faith. So I've been filling up a study journal about it and last week I printed the first chapter of lectures on faith and it was really cool to see how the Prohpet Joseph explained faith and how it should be taught. What is faith? What is it centered on? And the results of our faith. I really enjoy the second point because I've been studying a lot about the atonement and what our faith should be centered on and how everything revolves around the 2 key point s of the atonement. The fact that one day all of us will be ressurrected and that we can be forgiven of our sins through the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is so much more about the Atonement but I've been studying these two things and trying to lose myself in the work. Trying to be more obedient, trying to rise up and be better. IT's not easy but its worth every effort. I am trying to achieve excellence, and since it's a habit not an action I have to exert myself in every effort. So I'm usually pretty tired at night.I'm trying to go back to the basics and been more obedient to the Lord and Follow the things he has said for me that I still havent done and that I may have done only half way. There is a scripture that I like alot in Hebrews  11:7 that talks about Noah and his faith and it reminds me how we can show ours. Being obedient to the whisperings of the Spirit.
I actually had an experience recently with this. I followed a prompting that didn't make any sense for me and about 4 months after figured out why. I was so grateful for having followed the prompting and it really strenghtened my testimony to remember that the Lord always fullfuls His words.
I love you all so much and miss you tons.
Love Elder Simonsen

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